TAPgiles's face

TAPgiles Dreams Teacher and Consultant

Who is TAPgiles?

Creation is beautiful, theraputic. Art in all its forms is self-expression. I enjoy helping people create.

For years, I helped people create by teaching them how to use a creative softare called Dreams. I created hundreds of tutorials on YouTube, documentated all its features (up to version 2.57), and helped people one-on-one by consulting on their projects. As well as releasing creations designed to aid creators in making their own projects. Buy Dreams

I now have moved back to Writing as my focus. On Reddit I answer questions from new and experienced writers alike, with my experiences and understanding of English language prose. To focus in on specific topics, I write articles on the TapWrites tumblr blog. And have video recordings of my explaining concepts and demonstrating them live, on the TapWrites YouTube channel.


I'm active in many places around the internet: