Auto Guide
Indicates to the Guides system how an object is to be placed, applying certain guide options while moving the object and Obey Auto Guides is switched on. (Tg)
Note, this gadget does nothing in Play mode.
Memory: Costs 0.0061% of the things limit per gadget.
Tweak Menu
# Grid Snap
When on, the object will use its own grid while being moved, evenif the grid is off. (Tg)
If the grid is already on, the auto-guide’s grid will be previewed when hovering over the attached object.
If any auto-guides within the element have this turned on, grid snap will be on when obeying auto-guides.
# Grid Size
The scale of grid that will be used while moving the object. (Tg)
When multiple auto-guides exist within the element, the size will default to the grid settings of the edit mode.
# Surface Snap
How the object should be placed relative to hovered surfaces. (Pk) (Tg) If the object is an element, will snap the Element’s grab point to the surface. (Tg) (Pk)
If there are multiple auto-guides within the element, the selected setting that is latest in the options list will be respected.
# Stay Upright
When on, the object will always stay upright. (Pk) (Tg) Note that the Element’s “up” is set by its grab point.
If any auto-guides within the object have this setting on, the object will stay upright.
# Minimum Scale, Maximum Scale
The minimum and maximum scale allowed for the element. Enforced while Obey Auto Guides is on and the element is moved or rotated. (Pk) (Tg)
When there are multiple auto-guides within the element, the settings of the auto-guide that was created last will take precedence.
# Apply To All Parent Groups
The old version of this gadget would apply its settings when moving the object it is attached to, and parent groups of that object. This switch will show as “on” for such gadgets.
A new auto guide gadget will only apply its settings when moving the object it is attached to, and not when moving parent groups.
When turned off, the switch will disappear and the gadget will be upgraded to the new behaviour. The switch will come back only if this action is undone.