Documentation by TAPgiles


Sends a signal from a random output port. (Jj) Similar to a Selector, but random. (Tg)

Memory: Costs 0.0061% of the things limit per gadget.

# General Tab

# Input to Randomise

If a wire is connected, whatever signal is sent to this port will be sent out to the currently active output port.

If no wire is connected, an output of 1 will be sent.

# Randomise

When triggered, a random channel from channels available for selection will become active. (According to the Randomise Mode algorithm.) (Tg)

# Output Count

The top output count channels are available for selection as the next active channel when randomisation is triggered.

Note that you can have channels not wired out of, and have the count be higher than the number of ports actually used. This can be useful for causing some randomisation triggers resulting in nothing being selected and no signal being sent.

# Randomise Mode

The algorithm for which channels are available for selection when a randomise is triggered.

# Outputs

The currently active channel sends a signal.

This signal will be whatever is coming in through the Input to Randomise input, if connected. Otherwise, it will send a Signal wire value of 1 (on).

# Active Port

Sends the index of the currently active port. (Tg)

Note that this index is zero-based. So if the first port is selected, a 0 signal will be sent. If the second port is selected, a 1 will be sent.

Sends 255 before time starts running. Sends 10, if all channels have 0 weight.

# Weighting Tab

# Output Count

# Output Weights

A list of 10 sliders setting the probablity weight for the selection of each output. The top output count weight sliders will be enabled.

When a given channel is available for selection, the probability of it being selected depends on its “weight.” Probability = channel weight ÷ total weights of all channels avilable to be selected.

For example, with no repeat mode, if all channels are available for selection, channel A has a weight of 6, and channel B has a weight of 24, and channel C has a weight of 12...
When we start, channel C is picked. It’s not selectable as the next channel so its weight is ignored.
Total weight (ignoring C’s weight) would be 30. Channel A’s probability of becoming active would be 6 ÷ 30 = 20%. Channel B’s probability of becoming active would be 24 ÷ 30 = 80%.
In True Random mode, any channel may be selected, so they all add to the total weight before probabilities are calculated.

Channels set to 0 weight will never be available for selection. If all channels are set to 0 weight, no channels will every be active.