Documentation by TAPgiles


Stores any gadgets, to keep them neat and compartmentalised. We can scope-in to the gadget to open a window containing everything inside the chip. And scope-out to close the window.

It’s a good idea to begin any feature you want to create with placing a microchip, naming it, giving it an icon, and a colour. (Mm)

Scoping in to a microchip opens a window that contains everything inside the microchip. Here you can move things around, drag them in or out, clone them, etc. using the normal controls.

To expand the window, hover over an edge (or corner). A white halo effect will appear at that edge. Adjust the size of the window - shortcuts: hold hold Cross button over the edge of a window and drag.

Wired power: Different power amounts do not affect any contained gadgets. A positive > 0 power fully powers the chip and everything inside it. (Tg)

Memory: Costs 0.0061% of the things limit per gadget.

# Wire Pins

Pins are small dots along a wire that keep it in place, and help you route it around a microchip’s window to make it easier to understand what it’s connected to. (These are called “wire nodes” by Dreams but I call them “pins” to avoid confusion with the Node gadget.)

These pins move with the wire if the entire wire is being moved in one action (as in, where it’s coming from and where it’s going to are being moved at the same time). This also happens when cloning objects.

Memory: Each wire node costs 0.0000012% of the things limit and wires limit.

There is a limit of how many wire pins can exist.

Create a Pin: Use the Cross button while hovering over a wire.

If a wire has at least one pin, it is in a “pinned” mode. Instead of curving naturally on the surface of the window, the wire will follow straight lines from wire pin to wire pin, allowing the creator to customise the routing of the wires. (Tg)

Drag a wire pin: Use Cross button while hovering over a wire pin, and drag it around.

Pinning multiple wires to the same point will have them stack next to each other like on a real microchip, creating a “ribbon” of routed wires. Dragging that pin will then move the corresponding pins of all those ribboned wires. (Tg)

# General Tab

# Microchip Colour

The colour of the microchip.

This will also colour the background of the microchip’s window. Because of this it can be useful to adjust this to make it easier to see certain wires. For example, make the chip dark blue to see lighter-colour wires more easily within the chip’s window.

# Custom Icon

The icon of the microchip, shown on the face of the gadget. When the icon is not the default Microchip, a smaller microchip icon will also be shown in the bottom-right corner.

The options are as follows: Wireless controller, Biped, Imp, Skull, Rocket, Rock, Lightning flash, Flag, Camera, Sound effect, Music, Move, Settings, Filmstrip, Clock, Light on, Trash can, Script, Environment, Cloud, Score counter, and Wind.

# Affected Object

Gadgets within the microchip will also affect and sense using the microchip’s attached object. (Tg) (Ao)

# Audio Tab