Documentation by TAPgiles

# Grade & Effects

Affects how the entire view looks for the player in many different ways.

Wired power affects: The received power is used as the weight of the blend (averaging) with other gadgets. If fully powered, it will average evenly. If powered very little, it will not affect the settings very much.

Memory: Costs 0.0061% of the things limit per gadget.

While on a Timeline: has fader handles.

# Light & Colour Tab

# Brightness

Increases or decreases the overall brightness. (Jj)

# Contrast

Increases or decreases the contrast between light and dark colours. High contrast means dark colours become darker and light colours become lighter. Low contrast means dark colours become lighter and light colours become darker, heading towards a 50% grey. (Jj)

# Saturation

Increases or decreases the saturation of the colours. Low saturation means colours become more grey. High saturation means the colours become more intense. (Jj)

# Hue Cycle

Hue cycles affected colours on the screen.

# Colour Tinting Tab

Adds a colour tint to parts of the view depending on their brightness, separated into 3 ranges: shadows, mid-tones, and highlights. Black will always stay black, and white will always stay white. But anything between those will be tinted by these settings. (Jj)

50% grey does not affect the colours at all. Any given colour will be adjusted the same amount as the setting is. The further a setting is from 50% grey the more intense the tint grade will become.

Wire a value into colour tint with the “modulate” wire-blend mode to control the brightness of the colour beyond the normal range.

# Screen Effects Tab

A vignette is like a shadow around the edges of your screen—though using the settings, this “shadow” can be any colour.

# Vignette Colour

The colour of the vignette. (Jj)

# Vignette Strength

The opacity of the vignette. (Jj)

# Bloom

Light will “bleed” out of bright objects on the screen, making halos appear around these objects. (Jj)

# Lens Flare

Similar to bloom, but produces a line of light as if refracting through physical lenses in a camera. (Jj)

# Grain Effect

Adds a randomised, ever-changing noise to the view, making pixels slightly brighter or darker than they normally are—as if filmed on an old camera, or one that does not work so well in low light. (Jj)

# Sharpen/Blur

Sharpen makes pixels have more contrast near boundaries where colours change. Negative values blur, which makes each pixel the average of nearby colours. (Jj)

# Motion Blur

When objects move within the view, they will blur in that direction—like watching things go by quickly in a car. (Jj)

# Camera Movement Blur

Blurs the entire view depending on the speed of the camera movement. (Jj)

# Pincushion

Warped the view from the centre of the screen. Increasing bulges out the middle and the corners are pulled inward, leaving black corners—similar to a fish-eye camera. Decreasing pinches the middle and the corners are pulled outward. (Jj)

# Hue Selectivity Tab

Hue Selectivity

How narrow the range of colours is that are affected by the settings on the first two tabs. At 0%, all colours are affected equally. At 100% only a narrow range of hues are affected.

Note that less selective grade gadgets will be overridden by more selective grades for the colours they select for. Using this, you can easily make all colours desaturated apart from one. (Tg)

# Hue Affected

The hue around which a band of colours are affected.

# Pixelation & Glitch Effects Tab

# Resolution

Has 2 inputs and 2 outputs for X and Y pixelation.

The left-right axis dictates the x-resolution of the view from high (unaffected) on the left to high on the right. The down-up axis dictates the y-resolution of the view from high (unaffected) at the bottom to low at the top. (Jj)

# Scan Lines

Dictates the opacity of darker horizontal lines across the view. These lines are affected by the pincushion setting. (Jj)

# Posterise

Reduces the number of colours shown in the view. Colours are rounded to the nearest allowed colour. (Jj)

# Chromatic Aberration

Pushes the red green and blue colours outward relative to the centre of the view. Gives an old-school dodgy TV vibe. (Jj)

# Glitch

Has 2 inputs and 2 outputs for glitch X and glitch Y.

Adds VHS-style glitchiness to the view. The X axis adds more X-oriented glitch the further right you go, and the Y-axis adds more Y-oriented glitch the further up you go. (Jj)

Y-glitch adds lighter horizontal flecks to the view and warping at the top and bottom, as well as moving the entire view vertically from time to time.

X-glitch adds horizontal ghosting to the view, as well as subtle lighter and darker horizontal bars moving up over the image.

# Wiper

Different wipe effects.

When powered, transitions to the set Wipe Amount over fade-in time seconds. Then when unpowered, transitions to 0 wipe over fade-out time seconds. (Tg)

Can transition into a colour, (eg. fade to black) and out to the new view. Or freeze the current view and transition out directly to the new view.

Memory: Costs 0.0061% of the things limit per gadget.

Tweak Menu

# Wipe Style

The graphical style of the wipe itself. (Jj)

When using VR, linear/positional wipes will be relative to what the player sees, not within the scene. For example, a linear wipe left to right will always be seen as left-to-right for VR players regardless of how their headset is positioned.

  • Bokeh: A screen wipe.

    Colours from the current view are used to create circles of light that move toward the camera while fading out. When the new view is loaded, colours from that view are used to create circles instead. Screen.

    While pushing on the sticks, the bokeh moves in response similar to the controls when rotating an object.

  • Dissolve: A screen wipe.

    Fades to the colour or new view.

  • Linear: A linear wipe.

    Shows an opaque box moving over the current view in a straight line, and then moving out in the same direction to reveal the new view.

  • Circle: A positional wipe.

    An opaque circle appears over the current view, and expands to cover it. Then to transition out, a cutout of a circle is made which expands out to reveal the new view.

  • Star: A positional wipe.

    Similar to the circle wipe, in the shape of a star.

  • Heart: A positional wipe.

    Similar to the circle wipe, in the shape of a heart.

  • Wibble: A screen wipe.

    The view deforms as if underwater. When playing in VR, Dissolve will be used instead.

# Transition via Colour

When on, the wipe will transition to a colour, and then transition out of the colour to the next view.

When off, the wipe will freeze the view and transition to the new view.

# Wipe Colour

The colour the wipe will transition to. (Jj)

# Glow

Makes the transition colour glow a lighter colour. Affects the bloom and lens flare of the player’s view.

# Reverse Fade-In, Reverse Fade-Out

When on, a positional or directional wipe will play their transitions in reverse.

# Softness

Blurs the edge of the wipe. (Jj)

# Position/Direction

For positional wipes, dictates the centre of the circle relative to the screen. (Jj)

For linear wipes, this is used as the direction the wipe will move in.

# Track Object

The direction will be set dynamically to follow the linked object. (Jj)

# Fade-In Time, Fade-Out Time

How long it takes to transition to the wipe amount from the moment it is powered, and from the moment it becomes unpowered. (Jj)

And the “ramp out” slider applies while turning off the wipe, revealing the new view.

# Wipe Amount

The target transition amount.

When less than 100%, Transition via Colour must be on for the wiper to function. Also linear Wipe Styles will only transition from the set direction and back again; not continue on to the other side to fade-out.

The wiper’s timing can be directly controlled by setting Fade-In and Out times to 0, and animating this setting. (Tg)

# Transition Done

Sends a signal while the wipe is at full transition.

If Transition via Colour is on, this is when the screen is fully opaque. Else, it is the moment the wiper is turned on and the screen capture is taken and lasts for 1 frame like a pulse.