Documentation by TAPgiles

# Wireless Receiver

Receivers communicate with transmitters with the same name as the specified channel that are in range. (Tg)

Memory: Costs 0.0061% of the things limit per gadget.

Gizmo: The area the receiver is active in; works like a Trigger Zone’s gizmo.

# Wireless Receiver Properties & I/O Tab

# Channel

Only communicates with Transmitter gadgets with the specified name exactly (note, this is case-sensitive). (Jj) If no name is specified, may communicate with any Transmitters.

# Signal from Transmitter

The values from all Transmitters in communication with this gadget are combined and then output.

A Transmitter can communicate with a Receiver if it matches the channel and its “Scope” setting:

  • Can be matched if its scope is set to “Everywhere.”
  • Can be matched if its scope is set to “Here” and is within this Receiver’s group.
  • Can be matched if its scope is set to “Not Here” and is not within this Receiver’s group.

Values from each source Transmitter are multiplied by the core/falloff intensity, based on their position within the Receiver’s zone.

The way separate values are combined depends on their wire type, and whether they are a “modulating” type or not.

“Modulating” value types are OR’d together, using the value furthest from 0.

All other wire types are blended, averaging all values.

If there is an OR’d result and a blended result, the two results are multiplied together.

Values will be output according to the table below:

Number value 0
modulators OR’d × non-modulators averaged

# Signal to Transmitter

Broadcasts any signal it receives to transmitters within the specified zone. (Jj)

# Wireless Receiver Zone Size Tab

Defines the shape and size of the receiver’s range, including a fall-off that attenuates the received signal. (Tg)

# Wireless Transmitter

Transmitters communicate with receivers that are set to a channel of the same name while in their zone. (Jj)

The position of the transmitter is the front-centre of the gadget face. Or when in a microchip, the front-centre of the chip’s gadget. (Tg)

Memory: Costs 0.0061% of the things limit per gadget.

Gizmo: Has no gizmo. The position of the gadget itself, or its containing gadget, is used as the position of the transmitter for detection by Receivers.

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# Signal from Receiver

The values from all Receivers in communication with this gadget are combined and output. (Jj) The value ignores the falloffs; it will always be at full strength. (Cc)

The OR is found for all incoming values, finding the value furthest from 0. When there is a tie between values, the value from the oldest receiver takes priority.

Modulator” values are OR’d together.

“Non-Modulating” values are OR’d together.

If there are modulating and non-modulating results, those results are OR’d together.

Values will be output according to the table below:

Number value 0
(modulators OR’d) OR’d with (non-modulators OR’d)

# Signal to Receiver

The received signal will be broadcast to any corresponding Receivers that match this Transmitter.

# Scope

Used by Receivers to match or ignore the signal from a Transmitter. (Tg)