# Camera
When turned on, used to set the player’s view.
At the start of the scene, the camera that was added to the scene first will become active. When a camera other than the currently active one becomes powered, it becomes the active camera and the view changes accordingly.
While there are no Camera gadgets active, the default camera is used instead.
# Imp Distance from Camera: The imp will be at the Focus Distance, moving on a plane parallel to the camera’s view.
While grabbing and holding objects, the imp will move to the object and then adjust back to within Minimum and Maximum Imp Distance from the camera. The imp can be moved towards or away from the camera by pulling down or up on the Left Stick. Or when using Sticks imp controls, hold shift and pull the Left Stick down or up.
# Gizmo: Has a location marker. When the gadget is selected or its tweak menu is open, a wireframe of the camera’s view (or “frustrum”) is displayed. This shows 4 lines along the 4 corners of the screen for that view, and a rectangle representing the focus depth for the camera. A white dot at the centre of the rectangle is a handle to more easily adjust the viewing angle and focus distance of the camera.
Memory: Costs 0.0061% of the things limit per gadget.
Scope-in to: go into the view of the camera, and activate certain shortcuts as detailed below. You can also move the view around the scene using normal camera controls. (Jj) (Tg)
When you scope out again, the new view settings will be kept by the camera. Also, the view will keep the same position and orientation. This means if you scope into a camera and out of it again, you can get a sense of what the view will be like, but you can also edit the scene from a similar view to the camera.
# Automatic Activation
If there is a Camera gadget in the scene (not in a chip) and which does not have a wire powering it, it will activate when a possessed object enters its view. (Tg)
If the possessed object then gets close to the edge of the view, the Camera will deactivate.
To lock in a camera that's in-scene instead of it activating and deactivating automatically, wire a signal into its power or place it into a microchip. (Tg) (Tg)
# Camera Settings Tab
# Focus Distance
Things at the focus distance away from the camera will be in focus. The further away something is in the scene from this focal distance, the less it is in focus. Though how blurry things can get when not in focus depends on the aperture size. (Jj)
Affects how far away from the gadget the wireframe rectangle is.
Focal blurriness uses more processing and can impact performance.
# Aperture Size
The wider the aperture, the more blurry things become when not in focus. The narrower the aperture, the less blurry things become when not in focus. (Jj)
This scene blur can impact rendering performance.
# Transition Type
When this camera is made active, how the player’s view transitions from what it was before to this camera and settings over transition time seconds. (Jj) Note, this does not affect the transition from this camera to a different camera. (Jj)
# Transition Time
How long it takes for the player’s camera to change to this camera after it’s made active. Note, this does not affect the transition time from this camera to a different camera. (Jj)
# FOV Angle (Field of View)
The angle from the camera in which you can see the scene, measuring from the top to the bottom. So a narrower angle will zoom in and you’ll see less stuff. And a wider angle will zoom out and you’ll see more stuff. (Jj) (Tg)
Affects the angle of the wireframe lines for the edge of the screen.
Moving the camera back and using a small aperture reduces the effect perspective has on the image. So this can be used to create a “flat” or isometric view. (Tg)
# Camera Active
Sends a pulse when the player’s view is the same as the camera, after transitioning into it.
# Black Bars
When on, displays black bars like some films. Useful for cut-scenes.
# Imp & Player Settings Tab
# Imp Scale
The in-scene size of the imp relative to its normal size.
# Minimum Imp Distance, Maximum Imp Distance
The range of distance from the camera the imp can be within the scene. Within that range, the imp will slip over sculpt surfaces within the scene. Outside that range, it moves over an invisible wall at the maximum distance.
Minimum can be set between 0 and Focus Distance.
Maximum can be set between Focus Distance and 2 * Focus Distance
When Focus Distance is changed, Minimum and Maximum Imp Distance will scale by the same amount.
Focus Distance | Minimum | Maximum | |
Before | 2m | 1m (50% FD) | 3m (150% FD) |
After | 2m | 1m (50% FD) | 3m (150% FD) |
# Follow Imp
An angle the camera may move to follow the imp when the imp nears the edge of the camera’s view. (Jj)
# Disable Controller Sensor Input
When on and the camera is active, no controller input from any controller sensor will be processed by the scene. (Jj) (Tg)
Good for cutscenes to stop the player from wandering off while they can't see their character.
# Hide Imps
When on, no imps will be visible or interact with the scene. (Jj) (Tg)
# Pitch & Roll in VR
When off and using VR, only the camera gadget’s yaw (looking left/right) will be kept. Usually easier for players to handle.
When on and using VR, the pitch (tilting your head up and down as if nodding) and roll (tilting your head side to side like a cute dog) will be used as the base orientation of the player’s view.
This applies to scoping into the camera to move it, while editing in VR.
Another way to think about this is: When off, the headset pitch and roll will override the view. When on, the headset pitch and roll will be added to the camera’s pitch and roll.
# VR Scale
When using VR, sets the scale of the world in relation to the player’s view. The scale of the gadget itself has no effect.
# Camera Pointer
Indicates a direction the default camera should point in. (Tg) Does not affect the view while a camera gadget is active.
Does not affect the roll of the view. Yaw is applied first, and then Tilt.
When turned on, and there is a possessable controller sensor the default camera is focussed on, the view will change orientation to match the orientation of the gadget. This transition is not instant. (Tg)
Good for giving the player a useful viewing angle for a particular area. (Tg)
The angle used is relative to the rotation of the gadget itself. (Tg) Note that the settings in the tweak menu will change as the gadget is rotated.
When multiple pointers are active at once, they will affect the view depending on how close the target controller sensor is to that pointer. (Tg)
The amount the gadget is affecting the view is indicated as a bar on the face of the gadget.
Gizmo: A white dot showing the position of the pointer. Can be moved or rotated to affect the angle settings of the gadget. Normally resets along the arrow on the gadget’s face.
Also has a blue stalk and circle that can be moved to adjust the “yaw” setting. While moving this part, a transparent circle appears indicating its allowed rotational movement.
A green stalk with a sphere can be moved to adjust the “tilt” setting. While moving it, the same flat circle will display as well as the arc of a circle representing the angle of the tilt.
Memory: Costs 0.0061% of the things limit per gadget.
Tweak Menu
# Sticky
The default camera will stick to the pointer’s position as well as its angle. (Tg)
When this becomes turned on or off during play, the view teleports to the target spot on the X and Z axes, and eases in to the correct height on the Y axis over 1 second.
# Zoom Multiplier
How far away from the puppet the view will be while this pointer is active. (Tg) controller sensor camera distance × zoom multiplier
# Tilt
Rotation around the local X axis of the pointer. The pitch.
When looking perpendicular to the floor plane, positive looks “down” and negative looks “up.”
Applied after Yaw.
# Yaw
Rotation around the Y axis.
# Activation Output
Sends a signal representing how much this gadget is affecting the view, verses other camera pointers.
# Camera Shaker
When turned on, moves the active camera left, right, up, and down over time, as if being shaken.
Great for making impacts feel more impactful. Or a camera feel hand-held.
Wired power affects: The received power multiplies the Shake Strength.
While on a Timeline: has fader handles.
Tweak Menu
# Shake Strength
How far to push the camera’s view. The amplitude of the shake.
# Shake Speed
How quickly the angle changes over time. The frequency of the shake.
# Preview
Demonstrates the current shake settings for 2 seconds.