Documentation by TAPgiles

# Head/Camera Tracker

A group that tracks with the player’s view. Multiple trackers can follow the same player’s view.

Note that sculpts inside the tracker will react physically if they collide with other sculpts, and the contents of the group will twist and move accordingly—just as with a movable group containing a sculpt. (Tg)

Memory: Costs 0.0061% of the things limit per gadget.

While scoped in, a context menu button is shown:

Look Through Head: Click with the Cross button to change the view to match the head tracker’s current position. This will use edit mode’s default 62 degrees FOV. Helpful for placing objects based on the view the player will have during play.

If while playing a different FOV would be used, it is not easy to line things up in the head tracker, unless you have an external tool. (Tg)

# General Tab

# Visible

# Movable When Not Following

While not following the player’s view, the group will become movable. (Tg)

# Follow Head in VR

The view position is set by in-game cameras etc. When off, the tracker will follow that position. Think of it as a window; you can move forward and back and side to side, but the window frame won’t move with you. (Tg)

The VR headset’s view will start there but the player can move and look around by moving and turning their head. When on and playing in VR, the tracker will follow the VR headset’s view. Think of it as a helmet; you can move around and shake your head and the helmet will move with you. (Tg) (Tg)

# Multiply Scale

Scales the tracker contents and their positions relative to the centre of the group. (Tg)

Objects in the group are normal objects within the world, so when you get up-close to something they can collide with walls etc. Using this setting, you can make everything in the group very small and close to the camera and so will reduce the likelihood of the objects colliding.

# Follow Player’s Head

If no input is wired, the first player’s view will be followed. (Tg)

When an input is wired, that signal will be used to follow or stop following the player’s view. When sent a positive signal, the tracker will follow. When sent a non-positive signal <= 0, the tracker will not follow.

If the input is a Player Info fat wire type, the tracker will follow the lowest-number player’s view that has a positive value in the corresponding position of the fat wire; otherwise the first player’s view will be followed.

If no player has a positive value in the fat wire, the tracker will not follow any player.

Will always output a Player Info signal. If a non-Player Info input is wired, the values of the output will all be the default.

# Look Cursor Settings Tab

The look cursor is effectively a Laser Scope pointing from the centre of the view in the direction the view is facing.

Note that the look cursor does not adjust for cameras that follow the imp.

# Enable Look Cursor

When on, the look cursor and the rest of the settings in this tab will be enabled. (Tg)This is detected by Look Cursor Sensor gadgets.

# Show Look Cursor

Displays a white dot at the centre of the view, indicating where the cursor is hitting. (Tg)

When using VR, the depth of the cursor will match whatever it is hitting.

# Cursor Range, Falloff, Consider Players, Hit?, Hit Position, Hit Surface Orientation, Hit Distance

# Labels Tab

# Outputs Tab

# Head Position

The position, orientation, and scale of the current view. (Tg)

# X Direction, Y Direction, Z Direction

Axes of the player’s view. (Tg)

Note that the Z Direction is pointing out of the back of the view instead of in front.

# Is In VR?

Sends a signal while the player is wearing the headset. (Tg)

# Is VR Comfort Mode On?

Sends a signal while the VR player has “Comfort Mode” enabled. (Tg)

# Hand/Imp Tracker

A group that tracks with the player’s imp(s). Multiple trackers can follow the same imp.

Can hold logic wherever the imp would normally be, allowing us to completely customise the imp’s behaviour. (Tg)

Note that sculpts will react physically if they collide with other sculpts, and the contents of the group will twist and move accordingly—just as with a movable group containing a sculpt.

The colour of the tweak menu will reflect the Laser Colour setting.

Objects within the tracker can be moved around using logic to offset them from the imp’s position. (Tg)

Memory: Costs 0.0075% of the things limit per gadget.

# General Tab

# Visible

# Movable When Not Following

While on and not following an imp, will be movable. (Tg)

# Hide Imp

When on, the imp will not be shown while this tracker is tracking it. (Tg) (Tg)

# Gizmo Type

The gizmo will now not adjust based on if the tracker will work for moves-only. Instead, the kind of gizmo required can be selected by the creator. (Tg)

  • Wireless Controller: A representation of the imp when not in VR.

  • Motion Controller: A representation of the imp when not in VR; the stalk is taller, and the imp body is lower down.

  • Wireless Controller - VR: A red representation of the dualshock 4 controller, and a blue representation of where the imp will appear in relation to it.

  • Motion Controller - VR: A red representation of the move controller, and a blue representation of where the imp will appear in relation to it.

# Controller Assignment

Which controller will be followed for a player. (Tg) (Tg)

  • Primary: Targets a player’s primary controller, whether that is a Dualshock 4 or the primary move controller.

  • Secondary: Targets a player’s secondary move controller, if they have one connected.

  • Left Hand: Targets whichever move controller they are holding in their left hand.

  • Right Hand: Targets whichever move controller they are holding in their right hand.

  • Wireless Controller: Targets the player’s Dualshock 4 controller.

# Flip For Left-Handed

When following the player’s move controller in their left hand the group (and all it contains) will be flipped horizontally (along the X axis of the gadget). (Tg)

# Follow Player’s Imp

While not wired or wired and receiving a signal, always follows player 1. While wired but receiving no signal, does not follow. While receiving a player info signal, will follow for whichever players are indicated by the signal. (Tg)

# Using Motion Controllers

Sends a signal while the player is using the Move Controllers. (Tg)

# Imp Settings Tab

# ‘Follow Imp’ Behaviour

# Distance from Camera

The tracker will move to this distance from the camera view towards the imp. (Tg)

When set to the default of 0, will default to the focus distance of the view.

Note, this does not affect the distance the imp itself is from the view position, only the tracker in question.

# Follow Grabbed Item

When on, the tracker will move to the point of a grabbable sculpt when grabbed by the imp, and back after the imp lets go. (Tg)

When off, the tracker will continue to move with the imp’s body, even if it’s grabbing and pulling away from the point grabbed.

# Consider Players

When on, Grabbed, Hovering Grabbable, and Hovering Possessable outputs will send the player that owns the target object.

# Grabbed

Sends a signal while something is grabbed by the controller this tracker is following. (Tg)

# Hovering Grabbable

Sends a signal while this tracker is hovering over something that is grabbable. (Tg)

# Hovering Possessable

Sends a signal while this tracker is hovering over something that is possessable. (Tg)

# Laser Settings Tab

Note that the hand laser itself does nothing unless in VR mode. And is only available for the primary move controller and dualshock controllers.

When in VR, a laser is attached to the tracker that works like a Laser Scope. By default it will be the same colour as the body of the imp being followed by the tracker.

# Override Laser Colour

When on, the laser will use the colour set by this tracker.

When off, the laser will use the colour of the imp it is tracking. (Tg)

# Laser Colour

The colour used for the laser. Changing this setting this will turn on Override Laser Colour.

# Override Laser Properties

Overrides the laser properties with the settings below. (Tg)

# Laser Length

The distance that the laser reaches as well as grabbing and possessing. (Tg)

# Beam Power

Adjust the visuals of the beam, making it appear more big and powerful and cool at the high end, and thinner at the low end. (Tg)

Also affects the size of the reticule.

# Show Beam

When on, the beam is visible. (Tg)

# Show Reticule

When on, a circular animated graphic is shown where the laser hits an object. (Tg)

# Consider Players, Hit?, Hit Position, Hit Surface Orientation

While not in VR, this raycast uses “gun style” aiming from the imp’s position regardless of the ”’Follow Imp’ Behaviour” setting. (Tg)